You’ve never had water until you’ve dipped your hand in an ice cold mountain stream and brought the crisp, clean water to your lips after a good walk. Oh, it is delicious! The water is untouched by chemicals (yes, I know that it has been touched by various woodland creatures), and tastes like nothing else. The memory of that water is one of my fondest childhood memories. I can still remember how cold it was and how clean it tasted.
I was reading in Proverbs 17 today, and came across verse 4 – “A person’s words can be life-giving water; words of true wisdom are as refreshing as a bubbling brook.” It is so true that words can be just as refreshing as that cold stream that I drank from as a child. They can revive a person that is parched from life.
As moms, we can refresh each other with our words. It seems that few things wear us down like the journey of motherhood. There are those places and people along the way that are just like a cold spring who renew our strength using just their words. It can be a mentor that stays with you for the whole journey. Maybe it’s just that sweet person behind you in the checkout aisle at the grocery store that’s “been there” and tells you that you’re doing a great job at handling your rambunctious crew when you think that you’ve, yet again, failed as a mom.
It has been evident to me on more than one occasion that moms can reach other moms in a special way. We have the power to encourage each other, to make each other reach higher levels. We also have the power to destroy dreams and spirits. Just log onto just about any forum sight out there and you will find perfect examples of both and this is heartbreaking. We have comfort happening in one discussion and venomous words spewing in another. Before going any further, let me say that when the health and safety of a child is involved then correction is needed. I do not think that when a child is being hurt in any way that fellow mothers should be silent. With that said, let me continue. A difference of opinion is what typically brings about these heated exchanges. In some cases several contributors might gang up on the one that has a differing opinion.
I know that as moms, we are passionate. We’re passionate about almost anything that involves our kids. I think God made us this way for a reason. It creates something in us that enables us to take care of our children, and when used in that manner it is a wonderful thing. However, when we verbally assault another mom because she may not hold something quite as dear as we do, many times it crushes her spirit. Perhaps she questions whether or not she is a fit mother. She may doubt her abilities. She may try to fit into a mold that was never intended to be hers.
It really does sadden me to see this going on. Places where moms are able to connect, whether it is in person or on the computer, should be a place where moms can find comfort, shelter, friendship, strength, and information. Maybe the information aspect will persuade them to do something differently or just have a greater respect for those that do hold another opinion.
I’m not perfect at this. Although, I am not one for confrontation I frequently find myself fuming over the decision of another mom. It isn’t hurting the child, but according to my research and opinion is not best. I may still hold my opinion, but it doesn’t excuse me from being to that mom what we should all be to each other – “life giving water and refreshing brooks” through our words.
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