The character of Melly in Gone with the Wind is one that sometimes I have mixed emotions about. She has these incredible attributes, but is (or maybe she isn’t) completely oblivious to some very bad activities going on right under her nose. There are times when I admire her ability to see good in everyone, and then there are times when I’m frustrated with how she can’t see a drop of mean in even the most distasteful characters. However, I have recently come across a description of her that I think may have reconciled all of those feelings into a genuine like for the character and what she embodies.
I return to the conversation between Scarlett and Grandma Fontaine in which Grandma describes Melanie as a strong woman that will be able to pull her family out of hard times much better than her husband. To this Scarlett laughs because all she can see of Melanie is the outward quiet. Grandma Fontaine points to the sense of calm authority and control, an air of gentle strength that is quite foreign to Scarlett. How many times do we as moms exhibit this? I know there are many times when I do not.
Although I fail at this sometimes, I love that I have the opportunity to show a quiet strength in the face of circumstances. There is no loud panic, but a resolute strength that is grounded in my faith that causes me to gently, but with purpose do what needs to be done. I am reminded of Psalm 18:35, "You have also given me the shield of Your salvation; Your right hand has held me up,Your gentleness has made me great." This is a verse used by one of my sisters-in-law when interacting with her kids. Our Heavenly Father can make us great through His gentleness, and we can live that in front of our kids.
The lessons Melly teaches us doesn't stop hear. Check back to see what else Melly shows us is an important part of Motherhood!
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