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Sunday, February 27, 2011

Bend It Like Buckwheat - Part 2

As I was writing the last post, my eyes opened to another way in which we can be flexible. Yes, day to day tasks and interruptions can require a lot of bending, but that isn’t the only place that we have the choice to be dry, stiff, brittle, planted into our own vision.

I have yet to share the story of how our son came into our lives. It is one of my favorites, because not only is it the story of one of my greatest blessings, but also a story of life not turning out how I’d planned - it's better than I had planned. My husband and I had been married for a total of 8 months and were trying to get back to our “honeymoon phase” after dealing with a surgery for my husband, then a long hospital stay and recovery for my mom. Things were going well and we had gotten back into a good rhythm. He was continuing his undergrad education while I had just sent my application for a graduate program to a university in the area. Then, one day during a long weekend I emerge from the bathroom holding something my husband had never seen before. It was a stick that said I was pregnant. We were shocked. this wasn’t supposed to happen for another several years. We weren’t ready to be parents yet. I had always wanted to stay home with my kids when we started a family, but I hadn’t expected to start so early. I saw my plan of several years working in the field of I/O Psychology slipping through my fingers. My son is now two and we have made quite a journey from that day and so far we have learned a good deal about what it’s like to be buckwheat when it comes to the winds of God’s plan.

And that’s what I want to be when it comes to God’s will. I want to be bendable and shape-able. He has put in us hopes and dreams and it is those hopes and dreams that are a part of His will. We have beliefs, passions, and motivations. All of these are instrumental in pursuing His plan for us. However, we can get distracted. Maybe someone in our lives thinks that we should pursue something and it seems like a good idea. Perhaps you get distracted with your own vision. In the deepest places of your heart, you feel that this just isn’t going to fulfill you, but you go ahead with your plans anyway. But God calls to you again. Life happens and you find yourself seeing clearly what God had already drawn you to. For me, it was being a stay at home mom and one day using the experience in the field of childhood development.

So now what happens? Do you continue stubborn and planted in what you’ve planned or are you going to bend as what God called you to blows you in a different direction. Personally, I have been called back to something that whispered to me in the middle of a college classroom, and was taken away by fear. I am happier now than I have ever been. I feel complete and fulfilled, right where God wants me to be. Just remember in making that decision, what Grandma Fontaine said that stubborn, dry, stiff wheat ends up like after those winds of redirection blow.

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