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Monday, February 7, 2011

Maximum Security

In the months leading up to my son’s birth, I did research – oh, so much research. I looked at the best products, health practices, labor and delivery options, and lots more. My Consumer Reports Manual on Baby Products was second only to my Bible. Okay, I admit it; it probably took my Bible’s place, which I know it shouldn’t have been allowed to do. I wanted the best and safest for my little guy. When he became mobile everything turned to “baby proofing.” I wanted everything locked away and out of reach from curious little fingers. We were quick to set boundaries for our little explorer and we do our best to enforce them regularly. All of this for his security and protection.

As parents we are dedicated to the protection of the little lives that have been entrusted to us. I for one, take pride in this task and seeing it accomplished. However, how much pride do I take in ensuring the protection of the one thing that affects everything I do? The one thing from which flows my desires and energies as a woman, wife, and mother. When I long for something this one thing is where I long for it from. Yet, do I do everything I can do to ensure its safety? During this month, especially for the next week, we will bombarded by hearts. Little hands will craft them for us, our loves will speak from them, and they will be hanging throughout the stores we visit.

With the exception of this month, how much thought do we give to our heart? I know I don’t give it much thought. Sure, physically, I try to make sure that it’s in top shape. But emotionally and spiritually, it doesn’t get much attention. I feel that God wants me to change this because, as a mom especially, I am a big fan of the heart. There is a verse in particular that has not left my mind since I saw the little pink and red decorations going up at my local grocery store, “Above all else, guard your heart, for it affects everything you do (Prov. 4:23). Wow! How important is this little muscle inside of us? I love how God works in object lessons. Physically, if our heart is done, so is our body. That muscle affects everything in our body and so it is with the core of our selves. Whatever our core self is, the rest of our actions, thoughts, feelings, and beliefs follows suit.

Throughout the next week, and maybe beyond, I will be discussing what we some things that we can guard our hearts against and more of why keeping our hearts safe is so important. It’s going to be good stuff, so stay tuned!

“As a face is reflected in water, so the heart reflects the person.” Proverbs 27:19

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